Episode #252: August 12, 2024

Responsible Stewardship of our Public Lands with Benny Braden

What does it mean to be a responsible steward? How can we make a difference in the world in which we live? Today’s guest, Benny Braden was hiking near his home in eastern Tennessee and he began to notice trash along the trails, and he began picking the trash up. In some places the trash was immense. Left over tents, beer cans, food packaging, and more were littered everywhere.

Taking it upon himself, he began a campaign of cleaning up our public lands. And “Responsible Stewardship” was founded. A non-profit organization that works to keep our public lands clean and trash free.

Benny, is also a PTSD survivor and a follower of Christ. In this show we discuss his hikes across the globe and how Responsible Stewardship came into being as well has his personal faith journey.