** ALERT ** ** ALERT ** ** ALERT **
This show is dealing with a sensitive topic and may not be suitable for your children. Please take notice and listen without your children present.
Today we have Mr. Mason Cain. Mason is the owner and founder of Unchained Leader. Unchained Leader is a program designed to help men create a permanent break and freedom from pornography and other sexual addictions. They focus on 1st helping men permanently conquer their bondage, and then work to help these men develop as the Man and leader God created then to be. this is a topic I enter into with trepidation but one I feel God is leading me towards due to the epidemic that is occurring in our society with this issue. We discuss how to overcome the shame and seek help and where to get the help you need to defeat one of Satan's most effective method of confusion. Unchained Leaders is a necessary tool that God is using to overcome the bounds of this issue.