Christian Outdoors Podcast will be hosted by longtime award-winning outdoor writer photographer and speaker, Pete Rogers of Taylors, SC. Christian Outdoors is a Podcast that will merge two passions of host Pete Rogers. An ordained minister and avid outdoor communicator, Pete Rogers saw a need in the industry to bring these two passions together into one place. The podcast will cover topics that are near and dear to his heart. For over 20 years Pete Rogers has dedicated his life to promoting the hunting and outdoor lifestyle. While simultaneously working to spread the gospel through a variety of avenues.

“The podcast gives me another avenue to reach an audience I may not have reached before.” Pete Rogers says. “And it allows me to expand beyond the normal avenue for communication commonly found in the outdoor arena. For decades the majority of the communication has been through written word. More and more people are turning to Podcasts to get their information. “As someone who loves God and loves the outdoors, I think I bring a unique perspective to the microphone. As a trained minister and longtime contributor to the hunting and fishing and outdoor arena, I believe I can offer a podcast that can merge these two passions together.” 

Christian Outdoors Podcast covers a wide array of topics near and dear to the heart of host Pete Rogers. Rogers is dedicated to covering all areas of the outdoor lifestyle. “I have long been entrenched in the hunting, fishing, and trapping arena, and love it there. But there are dozens of other outdoor activities that we can reach with this podcast. I hope to include episodes on camping, backpacking, hiking, skiing, off-road riding, mountain biking, and anything else I can think of.” In addition, there will be interviews with well-known outdoor folk who are passionate about Christ and what he has done for them. When the opportunity presents itself, Rogers will also cover topics near and dear to the hearts of many Christians, or those seeking Christ.

Christian Outdoors Podcast hopes to be a podcast that will enlighten, broaden and transform people in a variety of areas. “While I hope to entertain people and educate people about the outdoor lifestyle, my priority is to tell people about Jesus Christ, and help them to know that all we have is because of Him, and that the outdoor lifestyle is one way we can experience the beautiful creative power of God, and that in doing so we can Enjoy God Everyday.”